Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship 2023: check Eligibility Criteria, Application Process, Selection Process and Grant Details

The Humboldt Research Fellowship offers international students pursuing postdoctoral research an excellent opportunity to conduct in-depth studies in German universities and institutions. This fellowship program enables researchers to engage in further research for a duration of 6 to 24 months at a university in Germany.


Humboldt Research Fellowship 2023 Details

  1. Fellowship Amount: Recipients of the Humboldt Research Fellowship receive a monthly fellowship of 2670 EUR.
  2. Scope of Fellowship: The fellowship does not cover short-term study visits, participation in congresses, or training courses.
  3. Eligibility & Selection Criteria: Eligibility and selection are based on various factors, including academic scores, publications, expert reviews, and language skills.
  4. Research and Educational Exposure: The fellowship not only supports research work but also provides an opportunity to study in Germany and gain educational exposure.

Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship Eligibility Criteria

Prospective applicants must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Academic Qualification: Applicants should have completed their doctorate or equivalent academic degree (Ph.D., C. Sc., or equivalent) within four years before the application date. Those expecting to complete their doctorate in the next six months can apply by submitting a manuscript of their dissertation or publication.
  • Academic Publications: Academic publications will be reviewed based on international standards and must be printed in journals published by recognized houses.
  • Confirmation of Research Facilities: Applicants must provide confirmation of available research facilities and submit a mentoring agreement and expert’s report from an academic host/university in Germany.
  • Expert Reviews: Detailed reviews, including comments on eligibility, should be provided by a doctoral supervisor and an academically qualified supervisor, both of whom must not work at the candidate’s institution.
  • Language Skills: Candidates from the humanities, physics, or social science backgrounds should possess good language skills in German or English to carry out successful research.
  • Residency Requirement: Applicants should have spent at least 12 months outside Germany in the preceding 18 months from the date of application. German nationals can apply if they have been relocated for work and residence in the past five years.

Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship Application Process

Applications for the Humboldt Research Fellowship are accepted online throughout the year. Along with the application form, applicants must submit required documents, including a recent CV, research outline, list of publications, doctoral certificate, German language certificate, host’s statement, confirmation of research facilities, and two expert reviews.

Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship Selection Process

The selection decision is based on academic qualifications. Two independent reviewers review applications, and the final decision is made by a Selection Committee comprising 50 researchers from various disciplines who vote on the applications. Rejected applicants can reapply only after a period of 18 months.

Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship Grant Details

The Humboldt Research Fellowship provides an exciting opportunity for postgraduate students to extend their research for up to 24 months with an award of approximately 2670 EUR per month. The fellowship covers research expenses, health insurance, and liability of the candidate. Recipients are also eligible for travel expenses, a 2-4 month language course, family allowances, flat rent allowance for those with children, and an extension of fellowship up to 12 months.

Overall, the Humboldt Research Fellowship offers researchers with a strong academic background the chance to focus on their research while making their stay and research in Germany convenient and rewarding. The foundation expects students to adhere to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice, which are legally binding on all recipients.

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