Sony Music Scholarship 2023: How to Apply, Who Is Eligible, and When to Register

Sony Music: The dedicated Sony music scholarship offered by Sony’s Global Social Justice fund may be considered if you have an interest in music and desire to enrol in a university affiliated with the Sony Music Group. The program’s main objective is to support students while they pursue their higher education. The information about the scholarship, including the prerequisites and the registration deadline, is available in the article linked below. Also, we will walk you through every step of the process for applying online for the Sony Music Scholarship 2023.

Sony Music Scholarship 2023, about…

The Sony Music University has a really intriguing scholarship offer available for students who have been accepted. The finalists will receive an entrance into the Sony Music Scholarship, which will provide them access to a variety of engaging activities and organised events to help them advance their musical careers . Also, they will receive a scholarship for the academic year in the range of Rs 3000 to USD 20000 so they can cover their tuition and other required payments. If you are a student who has enrolled in a full-time degree programme at the institution in order to pursue a career in music, you can apply to be a part of this scholarship programme by completing the online application form.

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Benefits of Scholarship

The applicants who are chose for Sony Music scholarship will receive the following advantages:-

  • The scholarship amounts will vary depending on the location of the college or university, the type of college or university (state university, private university, etc.), and the Sony Music Group Global Scholar’s anticipated financial need, and will range between USD 3,000 and USD 20,000 per academic year for the necessary tuition and mandatory fees to complete students’ degree programmes.
  • Scholarships are not mean to pay for all of a student’s education costs; rather, they are mean to help students as they pursue undergraduate studies. Tuition and fees, books and materials, living expenses, and transportation costs are all on the recipients’ dime.
  • Global Scholars may also be give other opportunities by Sony Music Group to advance their professional growth, such as unpaid internship or mentorship possibilities, in addition to the scholarship from the company.
    In order to develop a global cohort of future music industry professionals, the Sony Music Group Global
  • Scholars Program will offer a wide range of enrichment activities upon acceptance, including structured events and webinars to engage with SMG industry experts.
  • On behalf of students, annual scholarship payments will be make directly to educational institutions.

Scholarships Duration

The Sony Music scholarship will only be offer for the following time period:

  • Up to three more years or until you earn your degree, whichever comes first, are allow for scholarship renewal.
  • The continuation of the programme by Sony Music Group, continuous full-time enrollment in music or music business-related fields of study, and achievement of a minimum U.S. equivalent 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale are requirements for grant renewal.
  • Only undergraduate studies is eligible for awards (Sony Music).

For Sony Music Scholarship Checklist

An entire application that includes the following must be submit in English:-
  • Filled out online application
  • An individual statement (up to 3,500 characters)
  • an estimate of the tuition and other expenses you might anticipate to pay to finish your degree programmes in the academic year 2023.
  • Two character references. The letters must be write by someone who do not belong to your family and are well acquainte with you, such as your boss, scoutmaster, professor, employer, etc.
  • The school’s high school transcript and grade report (for applicants from the United Kingdom or Commonwealth countries, A level, O level, GCSE, or BTEC results are also acceptable)
  • Only submissions that are finish
  • and submitted by the deadline will be consider. Any part of your application that is false or plagiarised will result in instant rejection (Sony Music).

Selection Standards

The following criteria will be use to evaluate the Sony Music scholarship applicants:
  • Success and future prospects in the music industry.
  • demonstrated the skill and potential for leadership.
  • Personal qualities, dedication, and potential for success in their chosen subject of study and in a future job in the music industry.
  • The need for money to support educational aims has been highlight clearly.
  • Academic excellence.
  • Academic and career ambitions that align with the stated purposes of the scholarship.
  • Strong references (Sony Music).
The Terms & Conditions
The following requirements must be met by the candidate in order to be accepted for Sony Music scholarship:-
  • By the end of September, all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications (successful or  unsuccessful).
  • Not every applicant to the Sony Music Group Global Scholars Program will be chosen as recipient because it  is selective programme.
  • Before receiving their scholarship monies, recipients must provide proof of their full-time enrollment at an accredited college or university.
  • IIE will ask American students who are awarded the scholarship to submit the details of their financial aid  package. 
  • IIE will choose scholarship recipient based on their unmet financial needs, with awards ranging from USD  3,000 to USD 20,000 (Sony Music).

Criteria for Eligibility

In order to be eligible to apply for Sony Music scholarship, the applicant must:

  • Students planning to enrol full-time in a degree programme at a recognised institution or university, including  3- or 4-year undergraduate degree programmes in music or allied fields of study during the academic year 2022–2023 are eligible for this grant.
  • To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, you must maintain a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or above in the United States.
  • The academic record of a candidate must demonstrate the ability to excel in a college or university programme in the desired music industry profession.
  • A need for money that can be prove.
  • While acceptance into a programme not needed at the time of application, if an applicant is chose for a scholarship, proof of full-time enrollment is necessary before the scholarship funds can be disburse.

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Sony Music Scholarship 2023 Online Application Process

You must follow the straightforward steps outlined below in order to apply for Sony Music scholarship programme:

  • By clicking the link provided, you can first visit the scholarship’s official website.
  • Your screen will launch to the scholarship’s home page.
  • You must select the Apply option for a new page containing all the details about this scholarship to appear on your screen.
  • Carefully read the announcement for the scholarship programme.
  • You must know to scroll down and select the Apply Now option.
  • Now you must select the Create An Account option.
  • Fill all the requirements and register successfully to apply for the scholarship.


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