In a bid to support the educational aspirations of female students, Wipro Consumer Care and Wipro Cares have launched the Santoor Scholarship. This initiative aims to enable young women, particularly those from disadvantaged communities in states like Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Chattisgarh, to pursue higher education in humanities, liberal arts, and science after completing their class 12th examinations. A total of 900 deserving girls will be selected for this scholarship.
Santoor Scholarship 2023-24
- Female students from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Chattisgarh will receive an annual Santoor Scholarship amount of Rs. 24,000.
- The scholarship is exclusively for girl students belonging to disadvantaged communities.
- This initiative aims to open up educational opportunities for girls, allowing them to access higher education with financial support.
Objectives of the Santoor Scholarship
- The primary objective is to provide scholarships to female students, facilitating their admission to higher courses in humanities, liberal arts, and science.
- Approximately 900 deserving girl students will benefit from this scholarship, empowering them to pursue their educational goals.
Financial Support
- Another objective is to offer an annual scholarship amount of Rs. 24,000 to female students, ensuring they can commence their college degrees without financial constraints.
- This scholarship plays a vital role in preserving the educational rights of students from disadvantaged families.
Santoor Scholarship details
- Scholarship Name: Santoor Scholarship
- Known As: Santoor Women’s Scholarship
- Launched By: Wipro Consumer Care and Wipro Cares
- Objective: Providing educational opportunities for girl students
- Benefit: Enabling girls to pursue higher studies
- Applicable to: Citizens of eligible states
- Beneficiaries: Female students
- Beneficiary Limit: 900 students
- Eligible States: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Chattisgarh
- Offered Fields: Humanities, Liberal Arts, Science
- Mode of Transfer: Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
- Payment Mechanism: E-Payment Mechanism
- Form of Benefit: Scholarship Amount
- Amount of Benefit: Rs. 24,000/-
- Scholarship Tenure: 3 Years
- Covered Allowances: Tuition Fee & Incidental Charges
- Selection Parameters: Merit Records & Annual Income Limit
- Transferable Type: Yearly Basis
- Host Site: NIC (National Information Centre)
- Last Date To Apply Online: Will be updated soon
- Mode of Application: Online
- Office Address: Wipro Cares – Santoor Scholarship, Doddakannelli, Sarajpur Road, Bangalore-560035, Karnataka
- Telephone No: +917337835166
- Email ID:
- Official Website:
Expert Commentary: Nurturing Potential and Confidence
In an expert comment, a scholarship advisor notes: “The Santoor Scholarship not only provides financial support but serves as a catalyst for empowering young women. By offering mentorship and personal development workshops, this initiative nurtures their potential, enhances their skills, and instills confidence. The recognition and prestige associated with this scholarship further elevate the scholars, providing a platform for them to excel in their academic and professional pursuits.”
Unveiling the Scholarship Features
- Launched by Wipro Consumer Care and Wipro Cares, the Santoor Scholarship focuses on empowering female students.
- Exclusive to female students, the major states covered include Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and Chattisgarh.
- Each selected student will receive an annual scholarship amount of Rs. 24,000 for a duration of 3 years.
- The scholarship aims to benefit around 900 students annually.
- For detailed information, students can refer to the official website, and the last date for online applications will be updated soon.
Santoor Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
- To qualify for the Santoor Scholarship, applicants must be Indian citizens and female students.
- Residency in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, or Chattisgarh is a prerequisite.
- Applicants should have passed the class 10th or 12th examination from their respective boards.
- The scholarship is exclusively for UG degree pursuers in humanities, liberal arts, and science, with a duration of 3 years.
Documents Required for Application
- Aadhar Card
- DOB Certificate
- Residence Certificate
- Class 10th or 12th Marksheets
- Latest Passport Size Photograph
- Bank Account Details
- Mobile No.
- Email ID
Santoor Scholarship online/offline application process
Online Application Process
As the Santoor Scholarship has recently been launched, details about the application procedure are yet to be disclosed. Stay tuned for updates through this article, or visit the official website for the latest information.
Offline Application Procedure
- Visit the
- Print the PDF form displayed on your screen.
- Fill out the form accurately.
- Attach the required documents.
- Send the form via post to the provided address.
Seeking Assistance: Contact Information
Connect with Santoor Scholarship
- For any doubts or queries regarding the Santoor Scholarship, contact the provided Office Address, Telephone No, and Email ID.
Office Address:
Wipro Cares – Santoor Scholarship, Doddakannelli, Sarajpur Road, Bangalore-560035, Karnataka
Telephone No: +917337835166
Email ID:
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