The Government of Karnataka has introduced the CM Raita Vidya Nidhi Scholarship 2023, a scholarship program aimed at supporting the education of children from farming families. This scholarship scheme falls under the purview of the Department of Agriculture. Students interested in applying for the Karnataka Raita Vidya Nidhi Scholarship 2023 can find information on eligibility criteria and the online application process on this page.
Raita Vidya Nidhi Scholarship 2023
Great news for students hailing from farming families in Karnataka! The Government has launched a new scholarship scheme to provide financial assistance for their education. To apply online, students can visit the official website mentioned on this page. The primary objective of this scholarship is to ensure that students receive the necessary financial support to complete their education.
Education plays a pivotal role in our lives, benefiting both individuals and society. Every individual has the right to education in our country. However, the rising costs of private schools and colleges have made education unaffordable for many. To address this issue, the Government of Karnataka initiated this scholarship scheme. If you are interested in applying for the Raita Vidya Nidhi Scholarship, please refer to the details provided on this page and submit your application before the deadline.
Scholarship Name | Raita Vidya Nidhi Scholarship |
Applicable For | Karnataka |
Eligible Candidates | Children of Famer |
Education Qualification | 10th Pass |
Scholarship Amount | As Per Course |
Scholarship Details PDF | Click Here |
Online Registration Website | |
Official Website | |
Karnataka Farmers’ Child Scholarship 2023 Eligibility
To be eligible for this scholarship, students must fulfill the following criteria:
- Candidates must be children of farmers.
- Applicants should be residents of Karnataka.
- Students who have passed the 10th grade are eligible to apply.
- Candidates receiving benefits from any other state schemes are not eligible for this scholarship.
Raita Vidya Nidhi Scholarship 2023 documents
Applicants must have the following documents for the scholarship application:
- Students’ SATS ID / College Registration Number
- Aadhaar Numbers of Students and Parents
- Student’s Mobile Number
- e-Attestation Numbers
- Student’s Email ID
Courses | Scholarship Amount |
PUC or ITI courses |
BA, B.Sc, BCom, MBBS, BE, and other professional courses |
Law, paramedical science, nursing, and other vocational studies |
Post-graduation Courses |
Raita Vidya Nidhi Scholarship 2023 online apply
Follow the steps below to apply for the scholarship online:
- Visit the official website at
- Click on the “Scholarship Program for Farmer Children” link on the homepage.
- You will be redirected to
- The Scholarship Registration Page will appear on your screen.
- Select “Yes” for “Do You Have Aadhaar Card.”
- Enter your Aadhaar Card Number and your Name.
- Choose your Gender.
- Click on the “Proceed” button.
- Your registration will be completed.
- Fill out the scholarship application form with accurate details.
- Submit the application form.
- Finally, take a printout of the form for future reference.
By following these steps and providing the required information, eligible students can apply for the Mukhyamantri Raita Vidya Nidhi Scholarship 2023 and avail themselves of the financial support provided for their education.